General conditions


  1. Introduction and effectiveness of the General Conditions

These general conditions of sale (hereinafter, “General Conditions“) have as their object the regulation of the purchase of products and services, carried out remotely and made available, via the internet, from the website (hereinafter , the “Site“) in compliance with the Italian legislation referred to in Legislative Decree 206/2005 and subsequent amendments and additions (hereinafter, the “Consumer Code“).

The seller of the products and owner of the Site is: L’Opéra del Dolce of Alessia Luisa with registered office in Capiago Intimiano, 22070 Capiago Intimiano CO, P.Iva 03964290138. Email address: (hereinafter “company”).

The consumer who accesses the Site to make purchases (hereinafter “Customer“) is required, before sending the order, to carefully read these General Conditions which have been made available to him on the Site and which will be available at any time. by the Customer also through the link contained in the confirmation email of each order to allow it to be reproduced and stored.

In the event that the person making purchases on the Site requests an invoice and / or is not a “consumer or user” as defined in art. 3, paragraph 1, lett. a), of the Consumer Code, the withdrawal regulations pursuant to art. 7 and 8 of these General Conditions nor, more generally, the provisions that pursuant to the same Consumer Code apply only to “consumers”.

Contracts concluded with through the Site are governed by these General Conditions in compliance with Italian law. The language available to conclude the contract is Italian.

  1. Choose and order Products

The characteristics and the price of the various products for sale on the Site (hereinafter “Product” or “Products“) are shown on the page relating to each Product.

To purchase the Products, the Customer must complete and send the order form in electronic format, following the instructions contained on the Site. The Customer must add the Product to the “Cart” and, after having read the Conditions Generali and the Privacy Policy and confirmed their acceptance, must enter the shipping and billing information, select the desired payment method and confirm the order.

By sending the order from the Site, which has the value of a contractual proposal, the Customer acknowledges and declares to have read all the information provided to him during the purchase procedure and to fully accept these transcribed General and Payment Conditions.

The contract stipulated between L’Opéra del Dolce of Alessia Luisa and the Customer must be considered concluded with the acceptance of the order by L’Opéra del Dolce of Alessia Luisa. This acceptance is communicated to the Customer through an order confirmation email containing a reference to these General Conditions, the order number, the shipping and billing data, the list of Products ordered with their essential characteristics. and the total price, including delivery costs. The Customer will check the confirmation email and if he identifies errors in the order he will have 12 hours from receiving this email to contact Customer Service directly from the Site using the appropriate contact form accessible through the “Contacts” section. After this deadline, the order will be processed for shipment and changes will no longer be accepted, without prejudice to the rights of the Customer referred to in Article 7 below.

Once the order is received, L’Opéra del Dolce of Alessia Luisa will check the availability of the stocks for the fulfillment of the order. In the event that one or more Products are not available, the Customer Service of L’Opéra del Dolce of Alessia Luisa will send timely communication via email to the Customer who, within the next 12 hours, will have the right to reply to confirm the shipment of any additional Products available or cancel it. In case of no reply within this period, the order will be considered confirmed and the available Products will be sent for shipment. In this case, the entire amount relating to the missing Products will be canceled or in any case, depending on the chosen payment method, will not be charged to the Customer.

  1. Information on Products

The information and characteristics relating to the Products are available, with the relevant Product codes, on the Site. The visual representation of the Products on the Site, where available, normally corresponds to the photographic image accompanying the description sheet. It is understood that the image of the Products themselves has the sole purpose of presenting them for sale and may not be fully representative of its characteristics and quality but may differ in color and size. If there is a difference between the image and the written product sheet, the description of the product sheet always prevails.

  1. Prices and shipping

Product prices are inclusive of all taxes and duties. All prices are expressed in Euro.

  1. Methods of payment and billing

5.1 Payment methods

The Customer may pay the price of the Products and the related delivery costs by credit card and PayPal.

Credit card

The circuits on which it is possible to purchase on the Site are:

Mastercard, Discover, Diners, Visa, Maestro, Carta Aura, American Express.

To ensure maximum security, the Customer will carry out the payment transaction directly on the bank’s secure server. The Site does not store the Customer’s credit card number, but thanks to the protected communication system of the reference credit institution, from the second expense, the Customer who wishes – by selecting the appropriate option – can proceed with the purchase without re-entering your details. The reference credit institution uses the SSL protocol to encrypt the data transmitted between its server and the Client’s browser.


Once the order is confirmed, the Customer will be redirected to the PayPal site where he can make the payment with his account or using a card, even prepaid, or in any case according to the methods accepted by PayPal and in compliance with the relevant conditions.

5.2 Order billing

If the purchase is made by a professional, it will be possible to request an invoice by selecting the appropriate box during the order procedure and entering the billing information including tax code and/or VAT number. In this case, the invoice will be sent by email to the address indicated. The professional is responsible for the correct insertion of billing data and is expressly informed that, in case of failure to request the invoice during the order, it will not be possible to request it later.

  1. Transport and delivery

The Products purchased on the Site will be delivered to the address indicated by the Customer during the purchase procedure in the appropriate “Shipping Data” field with destination within the Italian borders.

All purchases will be delivered by express courier (hereinafter, “Courier“) from Monday to Friday, excluding holidays and national holidays. L’Opéra del Dolce of Alessia Luisa is not responsible for unforeseeable delays or those not attributable to it. Once the products have been shipped, the Customer will receive a confirmation email which will include a link to refer to for tracking the shipment. In any case, except in cases of force majeure or unforeseeable circumstances, the ordered Products will be delivered within a period of 5 (five) working days starting from the day following that in which L’Opéra del Dolce of Alessia Luisa confirmed the order to the Customer. by means of a specific order confirmation email.

  1. Free return in case of exercise of the right of withdrawal

As a most favorable condition for the Customer, L’Opéra del Dolce of Alessia Luisa fully bears the shipping costs for the return of the Products in case of exercise of the right of withdrawal. In order to benefit from this free shipping. The Customer who intends to exercise the right of withdrawal must follow the procedure indicated in the previous article 7 and wait to be contacted by L’Opéra del Dolce of Alessia Luisa to agree on the return of the Products to the courier.

  1. Warranty and lack of conformity

In the event of lack of conformity of Products sold by L’Opéra del Dolce of Alessia Luisa, the Customer must immediately contact Customer Service using the appropriate contact form accessible on the Site through the “Contacts” section. The legal guarantees provided for in articles 129, 130 and 132 of the Consumer Code apply to the sale of the Products. The Customer has the right, at his choice and on condition that the type of Product allows it, to restore, without charge, the conformity of the Product by repair or replacement, or to an adequate price reduction or termination of the contract. The Customer loses these rights if he does not report the lack of conformity to L’Opéra del Dolce of Alessia Luisa within two months from the date on which he discovered the defect, provided that it is not a Product which by its nature is perishable or subject to expiration in a shorter term, in which case the defect must be reported within this reduced term.

  1. Complaints

Any complaint must be forwarded to L’Opéra del Dolce of Alessia Luisa using the appropriate contact form accessible directly on the Site through the “Contacts” section, or by writing to Mail, or by registered letter with return receipt to the following address:

L’Opéra del Dolce of Alessia Luisa

Capiago Intimiano,

22070 Capiago Intimiano CO


L’Opéra del Dolce of Alessia Luisa undertakes to respond to all requests received within a maximum of 7 working days.

10. Digital products (ebooks)

You are buying a digital product. According to the New European Directive 2011/83 / EU on Consumer Rights, you can exercise the right of withdrawal only up to the time of the actual start of the download.

The consumer loses the right to withdraw from the contract when the download has begun with the consumer’s agreement (the downloaded product cannot be returned and refunded).

11. E-Learning at the OPÉRA DEL DOLCE ACADEMY

11.1 Responsibilities and obligations

The Customer undertakes to act in good faith and in particular to:

  • not to sell the product to third parties;
  • carry out the activities of viewing the lessons and related exercises personally;

11.2 Conditions of withdrawal

The Customer-Consumer consciously and expressly agrees to lose any right of withdrawal from this distance contract, applying the exceptions to the right of withdrawal pursuant to art. 59, paragraph 1 letter. a) and o) of Legislative Decree 206 of 6 September 2005 (Consumer Code).

The Consumer, in fact, by purchasing these courses in e-learning mode of L’OPÉRA DEL DOLCE ACADEMY, consents to the supply of digital educational contents through a non-material support, with the express agreement and acceptance of the fact that this circumstance precludes any right of withdrawal.

Furthermore, the Consumer agrees to lose his right of withdrawal from this service, as it is completely made accessible and usable to the user by electronically sending the password and authentication.

11.3 Expulsions

You can be expelled when you are severely violated or have stability under these conditions. It will be considered serious:

  • The falsity, in whole or in part, of the data provided during the admission procedure and the non-payment of the total price of the course in the manner and terms provided.
  • The dissemination of the materials present in the courses, or the use of them for the realization of other training courses.

The expulsion of the student entails the loss of the right of access to the Alessia Luisa Academy, the failure to obtain the certification, which in his case is expected to issue, the certificate of completion of the course, as well as the loss of the amounts paid.

12. Applicable law and competent court

The sales contract between the customer and L’Opéra del Dolce of Alessia Luisa is concluded in Italy and governed by Italian law. For the solution of disputes relating to the interpretation, execution or resolution of these General Conditions or individual purchase orders if the Customer is a consumer pursuant to the Consumer Code, the court of his/her town of residence or of domicile if located in the Italian territory.

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