I’m not a Halloween lover but I love black desserts, but how can they be done without using black colors?
The secret ingredient is powdered vegetable charcoal, a few grams are enough to obtain an intense black and it does not release any unpleasant taste, so we only use it to give color and create something special.
- 120 g plain yogurt (soy)
- 200 g vegetable milk (soy)
- 25 g coconut oil
- 25 g brown sugar
- 200 g flour type 00
- 2,5 g baking soda
- 3 g baking powder
- 8 g powdered vegetable charcoal
- 120 g black berries
- 17 g caster sugar
- 1/2 lemon juice
- plain yogurt (soy), quantity to taste
1 -In a bowl weigh the yogurt, add milk and melted coconut oil and mix with a whisk, add sugar, flour, bakings, sifted charcoal and mix.
2 – Heat a non-stick pan and melt a little margarine.
3 – With a ladle pour a little of the mixture into the pan, cook a couple of minutes on each side, it depends on the size.
4 – In a saucepan, heat the blackberries with the lemon juice and sugar, cook for about 10 minutes.
5 – Serve the pancakes with yogurt and the blackberry compote.
Keep in the fridge for a couple of days.